You need to make sure that you have enough cover for all items kept in your main home, outbuildings and garden.
We suggest that you first make a list of all the most expensive things you own. Then, work out a figure for all your smaller items such as furniture, kitchen contents, linens, clothes, toys, DVDs etc, and add the two totals together.
Alternatively, you could go through your house room by room, adding up the value of all the things in each room. Don’t forget to include more permanent contents, such as carpets and curtain poles, which are often overlooked.
Remember that you should consider how much it would cost to buy the new, equivalent replacements of your contents, rather than the second-hand value - most policies offer cover on a ‘new for old’ basis.
Most of our policies offer a 'blanket sum insured' for your contents. This means that rather than us needing to know an exact figure, we'll cover you up to a certain amount. However, it is still important to ensure this blanket amount is enough for all of your belongings.
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