Home Emergency cover is there for you if you are experiencing an emergency - a sudden, unexpected event which leaves your home unsafe or not secure, or which leaves you without essential services, such as heating or a working toilet, if it poses a risk to your health.
Do I have it?
Customers are given a chance to add Home Emergency cover to their policy when they buy their insurance with us. In some instances, Home Emergency will be included in your policy.
If you’re not sure whether you have home emergency cover, you can always check your policy documents by logging on to the customer portal.
What’s included?
If you have Home Emergency Cover, we’ll arrange for a contractor to come and put in place a temporary repair during an emergency to keep you and your home safe while you wait for a permanent solution.
At Policy Expert we offer two levels of home emergency cover – Home Emergency Select and Home Emergency Plus. All customers can upgrade their emergency cover at renewal or during the first 30 days of your policy.
To find out exactly what is covered by Home Emergency Select and Plus cover, click here.